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Mortgage Type

What type of home are you looking for?

What type of home do you have?

Will you own or rent the land your home is on?

Your lender will use this information to determine what kind of loan is right for you.

Where are you in the home buying process?

How do you plan to use your home?

Have you or your spouse served in the US military?

What is your (or your spouse's) branch of military service?

Are you actively working with a real estate agent?

Do you currently own a home?

Do you plan to sell your current home before purchasing a new one?

Is this your first time purchasing a home?

What is your price range?

Use the slider to select the price range of homes you're interested in (it's OK to estimate)

How much do you have for a down payment?

VETERANS:Your military service means you may be eligible for a $0 down VA loan

What is your current employment status?

What is the estimated value of your property?

(it's OK to estimate)

What is the balance of your first mortgage?

(It's OK to estimate)

What is the interest rate of your first mortgage?

(It's OK to estimate)

Do you have a second mortgage?

How much additional cash do you wish to borrow?

(It's OK to estimate)

What is your household gross (before taxes) annual income?

What is your credit score?

Have you had a bankruptcy or foreclosure in the past 3 years?

What interest rate type you want?

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